Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Answer Please

(published in the college magazine of the Physics Department in its 2009. To view this please visit http://kmcollege.com/colleges/notes-tut/112718052010131540.1.pdf on pages 26-29)
With due respect to Darwin’s theory, I have always felt great difficulty in accepting it. I could never ignore the striking distinction between us and all other creatures of earth. Physically and structurally it is said that we are at the end of the evolution-chain. We are made to notice the gradual change in the structure of the creatures placed in this chain. But why it is that there is no such gradual change in the mental strength of the creatures on our earth? Chimpanzees are understood to be just before us in this chain and attempts are made to show that brain-wise they are closest to us. But is this statement true for each creature placed in this chain? Can’t we notice a catastrophic shift in the mental strength of human beings from all other creatures?
What evolution???
What I notice is that the human beings are quite different from all other creatures of earth. Only we need clothes! Only we need cars! Only we need factories! Only we need electricity! Only we need pens! Only we need fans! Only we need cinema! Only we need guns! Only we need nuclear bombs! Only we need fridges! Only we need air-conditioners! Only we need ovens! Only we need fuels! Only we need papers! Only we need telephones! Only we need plastic! Name a single creature that needs even a pin! In fact, use of technology and learning from research activities separates us from all other creatures on earth. But strikingly, that is what goes against the nature!
And this is why there is another big ‘only’ with us! We are the only ones who try to imbalance nature!
Are we destructors???
We are the only creature that is not satisfied with what the nature has naturally given us. We want more even if it comes at the cost of the nature. Population growth creates burden on earth but remarkably only in the case of human beings.
Sometimes I think that probably human beings are planted on earth and that is why we are unfit to live here. We fight to live here somehow. Are we destined to destroy earth and lives on it? Aren’t we working in that direction? Most of our technological developments are in fact our fight against the nature. What is medical science? Even that is our fight against nature? Why do we want to fight against nature to stay longer on earth and create another imbalance on earth? Only we are the cause of greenhouse effect! Only we are the reason behind global warming! None of the other creatures can be blamed for developing weapons of mass destruction!
Who are we???
Whereas other creatures seem to be adjusting well with not only the life but also the death planned for them on earth, we are satisfied with neither of them. Whereas others behave as if they are on earth just to live their life, we want to enjoy and extend our stay here! Whereas others give the impression that they are here with a purpose that goes beyond their life on earth, we are entirely ignorant of any other purpose. One who does not know the entire dynamics and purpose of our lives and beyond, can only take a ‘Kalidas approach’ of cutting the branch on which he hangs!! In the absence of any knowledge of the purpose of our stay on earth beyond our lives, we are here ultimately to destroy earth!!
Are we all here serving some sentence given somewhere else beyond the known boundaries of life? Are we in a prison? Are we already in a hell or heaven? Something is missing.
Do you have answers???


dipankar said...

I still think that Darwin's theory is still the best explanation. How life started might be difficult to answer but I think Human evolution is stil explainable. Homo Sapiens did not came directly from chimpanzees I suppose there was also the Homo Habilis who were quite different from the Homo Sapiens. While Darwin's evolution might not be perfect and many modified versions are around it would be less scientific to say that humans came from somewhere else. After all the vestigial organs which are present in us which, there equivalent counterparts are very useful to other animals. The problem which you might have asking about is why is that only we create all the problems like population explosion, global warming ,creating self annihilating weapons. That's a tough question to answer. Greater evolution leads to greater intelligence. I don't think we are at the pinnacle of evolution and that we do not care about the world around us proves that we are not intelligent enough and we will wipe ourselves out.

Dr. Rakesh Kumar Pandey said...

Thanks for reading and thus giving some meaning to my blog. Don't you realize that only human beings are actually participating in the so called 'Evolution Process !!!'. Can't we notice that we are not living now the way we used to live some hundred years ago? On the other hand, a fish is living the same way, a bird lives its life the same way and all other creatures are living their lives in the same manner they used to live ever since we know them !!!!! Can we ever imagine a mouse developing a new technique to tackle a hungry cat? They still do the same when they encounter a cat. Don't they love their life? Why don't they keep one of the pins or nails that we throw here and there and use them against the cat? Why doesn't an insect develop a tool to fight a lizard? Why don't deers try to develop a fast vehicle and use it when a lion runs after them? You may argue that we have very high IQ compared to others. But I like to look at it as if none of the other creatures possess ANY IQ for carrying out technological development. To me ONLY Humans try to evolve ways to become lesser and lesser dependant on nature. However this attitude is completely missing in all the creatures that exist on earth other than us. This is what bothers me that while all other creatures have no problems in depending entirely on nature (living the same lifestyle from ages!!!) we are trying our own ways of survival in order to become independent of Nature. And this very strange fact that we are entirely different from all others only reiterates my point that we do not belong to this place and that we are indeed destructors.

Just think of it that if I am sentenced for a 10-days jail term and I have accepted my guilt then I would spend my time in the jail the same way as these creatures live their life over here. I will keep on thinking about my life that I will have to live after coming out of the jail and will just try to complete my term inside the jail. This is why to me it appears that, since we have high IQ but have little knowledge of the purpose of our stay here, our deeds can only destroy earth and nothing else.