When people start
blaming a rape victim – it is bound to agitate the mind of victims beyond all
controls. When you start finding faults in victims it can rightly drive them
mad and crazy. Yes, you may not be in any position to extend the desired help
to the victim but just a sympathetic acknowledgement is what is expected the
least to pacify the victim. Sermons can only be felt like gun-shots. The victim
would just wish to kill the person who would start pointing out faults in the
victims. However all limits are crossed when the accused starts commanding
respect instead of being blamed, and then any wild response of the victim can
be easily justified. After all, when a healing touch is required to a
live-wound how can you justify rubbing chilli and salt on the same?
But that is the story of
modern independent India. A ‘more than secular’ majority was forced to listen
to the sermons of ‘secularism’ before those who had a proven communal history
behind them. While the majority could have been appreciated for its
open-liberal and secular approach that they had kept since time immemorial they
were being educated on ‘secularism’. Instead of acknowledging the dreaded
plight and in-human treatment that the hapless majority had to live with during
the forced-violent medieval era, they were preached for something that they
never faulted for. When the majority should have had been asked to forget and
forgive the past, motivated attempts were made to malign their own past
instead. The situation and circumstances could have justified any wild response
by the majority but it is their glorious and sensible past that made them wait
for so many years patiently only to register their outbursts on the social
media. Don’t brand them as ‘irrational’ trolls who have suffered inconsolably
not only at the ‘communal’ hands of history but also continued in another
manner by the ‘secular’ hands of modern India.
Padmawati - real or fictitious - represents victims of her own era....