Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Survival of Indian Secularism Industry

Secularism in its mutated format of majority-bashing flavour is not an idea in India any more, it has developed into an industry. The entire media thrives on this skewed understanding of secularism. It is used as a protection by a selected few individuals among the vast population of minority to keep on exploiting their supporters. It pays to side with an NGO that supports this violated form of secularism as (a la Teesta) money starts pouring in. This industry provides a cover to many minority institutions to hide their activities of conversion. Human activism as a byproduct of this industry helps many groups in hiding their anti-nationalist intentions and activities. Corruption happens to be the end product of this industry. Seculars are so overflowing with leaders like Lalus, Mulayams, Kapils, Mamtas, Jayalalitas and Rajas that it becomes impossible to find a clean leader among them. And even if with some great difficulty you are able to identify a small fry with a clean history, the culture of secularism makes them difficult to accept that clean individual as their leader.
After the emergence of BJP in India, this nearly century-old secularism industry has been hit very hard. What adds to the discomfort of these seculars is the fact that the nationalist party has no dearth of financially clean leaders who are devoted to their ideology. A clean leader on the top makes these seculars uncomfortable – it becomes difficult for them to breathe corruption. They find no other way but to follow the same old tactics that they had been pursuing ever since Modi became the CM of Gujarat. These elements keep on trying to portray a picture that is very far from the hard reality. They kept on doing the chest-beating on the alleged poor and dismal condition of minorities in Gujarat while the reality has remained opposite to their claims if their status is compared with the other states in India. The rise of minorities in Gujarat during Modi's tenure is an example enough to shut these laud-mouths up but they would not do that as they earn their living on this. I dare these close-minds to first rise above their vested interest and then honestly analyze why an RSS man Modi saved a minority 'Father Alexis' from Taliban – they would immediately realize that RSS and Modi are actually following our true tradition and ancient-pure form of secularism. They consider all Indians as Hindus - a word that helps them in discovering a deeper connect within the fellow nationals.